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Yellow letters have been around for a very long time. I remember when they first hit the real estate wholesaling scene. They took the business by storm. Back then everyone did them one way, the right way. Now, everyone does whatever they can to try and reinvent the wheel. JUST STOP IT PLEASE.
The yellow letter is the best marketing piece if you want to get the highest number of callers responding to your direct mail. You WILL have to spend more time weeding out all the callers, but you're CERTAIN to come face to face with a motivated seller when you utilize the power of this simple little tool called the Yellow Letter.
As simple as it may seem, there are certainly questions that come up for first timers, and believe it not, you CAN screw this up! So check out the questions and answers below that pertain to the yellow letter. THEN, don't think too long about it, just get 'em out there on the streets, and into the hands of some sellers! These will kick start your career into real estate wholesaling.
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That should answer all of your questions. If you have more, then just comment below!
The Yellow Letter Shown Above Is the Only One You Should Ever Use
(click on image to enlarge)I've been using yellow letter marketing since the good old days back in 2005. I think that's about the time I implemented them into my business. I learned of them from a Ron Legrand event, and everyone was claiming how high the response rate was.
You don't have to tell me twice when I hear of some marketing that's effective. I'm going to get on the bus and start seeing my own results. And to this day, I still use yellow letter marketing as part of my lead generating strategy.
It's easy to have your yellow letter marketing put on auto pilot for you! If a seller asks you for a proof of funds letter, we've got you covered!
Nice post, Tracy! Thanks! 😉
Spot on Tracy!
How to personalize? Where do I get the names and addresses?
Personalize with the names and property addresses of your sellers.
these will come from the mailing list.
What would you suggest when you don't know the owner's name when addressing the envelope?
Look it up in the tax records
How many shall I send in the first batch?