Tracy's Trained VA's are the Best

My name is Rafi Mizrahi, I live in Israel and I am wholesaling houses in Cleveland Ohio. And Yes I am doing it from Israel

I was looking for A virtual assistant to help me with all the tasks that I hate doing and I saw as a waste of my time. Tasks that mostly do not generate immediate cash but helps to be organize in the office. Tasks that I did every day and each time I used to say to myself that I wish I had virtual assistant to do it like posting ads on Craigslist. 

One day I said enough, I have to hire. So I looked up for a virtual assistant in some sites and I realized that I have 2 options:
1. To Hire a virtual Assistant and train her with all the tasks and spend time teaching her about real estate and wholesaling

2. To hire a trained VA that was trained to understand real estate wholesaling and the tasks needed to be done in it.

One day I got an email from Tracy about new trained VAs ready to be hired.
I immediate jumped on the opportunity and hire Jen.

I am so glad I did it !!!!

I saved a lot of time on training.  Like I didn’t need to explain her how to get comps from Zillow, Or how to search for houses that the owner owns a lot in property taxes.  I am giving her tasks and she is doing it on autopilot.
Once a week I set her tasks for the week and check the status of the previous one.
Tracy trained VA’s are the best time saving.  And…they don’t cost much!!!

Thank you very much Tracy

Are you interested in a VA? Check out the details about or Virtual Assistant Program and Hire the BEST