A large majority of motivated sellers are looking for answers to their problem online. It’s only going to get more prominent as time goes on. Which means the competition will only become more tough.
It’s pretty darn important that you make a home for your real estate business online, and learn the basics on how to be found in the search engines when sellers are looking for someone who will buy their house.
In this content packed webinar with Stephen Chatto (Real Estate Investor ranked #1 in Google for his search terms) and his SEO Advisor Mike O’Donnell * will reveal enough information to send you soaring off into SEO land with a basic understanding of what you need to do to get your website ranked in Google, and STAY ranked in Google.
- Mike O’Donnell started his Marketing Agency, Hyacinth Marketing, in October 2011. Within 6 months after starting his company, he moved to Montreal and signed a deal where he became the white label provider of search engine optimization and reputation management services for over 300 small and medium size businesses throughout Canada. Mike moved back to the United States in late 2012. He currently runs Hyacinth Marketing and is also the owner and marketing strategist behind the Barbecue Tools brand Cave Tools.
We’re talking about Search Engine Optimization. Organic traffic. Free traffic based on your website showing up in search results.
Here’s what you’ll discover on this call:
- -What does Google look at when determining rank
- -Choosing Keywords
- -How to Maximize Exposure with Long Tail Keywords
- -Website SEO vs Webpage SEO
- -Importance of choosing the right Title, Meta Description and URL
- -Keyword Cross-Pollination Technique
- -How to rank for your Keywords with YouTube
- -How to rank for your Keywords with Web Pages
- -How to Squeeze out your Niche in a High Competition SEO Market
- -How to go Above and Beyond for maximum rankings
- -How to hold onto your rankings once established