For Free
10 hours of Virtual Assitant Services

Virtual Assistants - Joe McCall Students Only

  • 75+ Hours of Training, including REISimple and Scraping Solutions
  • Property M.O.B. Certified - Dependable and Efficient
  • $7.95 per hour - 10 Hour/Per Week Minimum Requirement [FIRST 10 Hours are FREE]
  • 7 Day Cancellation Notice Required
  • One Time Setup Fee $59
Your Virtual Assistant is Trained to Perform THREE MAJOR functions in your business
  • Marketing
  • CRM Updating/Data Entry
  • Follow Up


When you hire a Property MOB Virtual Assistant, they'll already have the knowledge of the Simple Lease Options Training Course to start helping you generate the leads that you need to do deals.

Your main job should be to talk to sellers and negotiate the best deals possible. All of the administrative work that leads up that point will be handled by our Virtual Assistant.


  • Executing Your Marketing Plan
  • List Building with Scraping Solutions
  • Contacting Leads from Zillow and Craigslist
  • Sending Emails to Potential Sellers
  • Sending Text messages to Potential Sellers
  • Sending Ringless Voicemail to Sellers
  • Send Letters in the Mail Using Click2Mail
  • Follow Up Campaigns with Potential Sellers
  • Manage / Updating the CRM
  • Making Calls


  • Set up your CRM
  • Set up websites
  • Create Marketing Plans
  • Create Workflows
  • Login and start "Running Your Business"


  • REISimple setup with Working phone numbers and Emails
  • Basic Marketing Plan Ready for your VA to execute
  • Specific tasks that you want your VA to perform on a daily basis
  • Realistic Expectations and Patience about how soon to see results when adding a VA to your team. It will probably be longer than 10 hours.
  • Email-to-Mail (Click2Mail)l account setup using a Business Email address (Gmail, Yahoo, etc wont work for this)
  • A phone number purchased through REISimple (already stated in the first bullet above)
The #1 Goal of the M.O.B. is to create a Bad Ass Real Estate Investors. One of the best ways to organize, automate and scale your business is with the help of a virtual assistant. Each one of our virtual assistant graduates has been hand-selected, personally trained, tested, and selected to be part of our team. They’ve all show commitment to work by being committed to the 70+ hours of our intense training, passed the quizzes with at least an 80% pass rate, and have shown up on time, every day for work. These are all benefits that you won’t find when you start your search for a real estate virtual assistant to add to your team.

To top it all off, they're familiar with your business model and can help you accomplish your goals!

We know how tough is it out there to find good help. That’s why we’ve done all of the frustrating up-front work for you. All you have to do is look through our directory of assistants, choose your favorite one, and put them to work.

They’ve demonstrated they’re dedicated to their jobs. If you’ve thought about hiring a virtual assistant, then you’re probably very excited right now!


Why Should I Hire a Property MOB Virtual Assistant?
We train and offer only the BEST of the BEST virtual assistants to our real estate investors. Every one of our associates have shown nothing but 100% commitment to the training, to their job, and to being the best MOB Associate that they can be. We wouldn’t have anything other than the best on our team and would expect you to want nothing less. When you understand the concept of outsourcing and automating as a real estate investor, then you’ve fully encompassed what it means to be a true entrepreneur.

The Property M.O.B. trains our virtual assistants to understand the business of real estate wholesaling and/or creative real estate investing. Once hired, they’ll already have build a foundation with the knowledge they need to help your business succeed.
What Happens Once I Order a V.A?
Once we receive your order for a Property M.O.B. Trained Associate (Virtual Assistant), we’ll contact you and let you know which Virtual Assistants are available. At that time you can review their profiles, watch their videos, review their test scores, and choose your favorite one!

Once you’ve chosen your Virtual Assistant, we’ll get your set up for the weekly billing. We’ll work with you and your choice for salary to determine your VA’s work schedule. Your VA will be available on Monday- Friday during the hours that are set. He/she will be ready to accept tasks and assignments during those hours. Once your account is all set up, you’ll be connected with your Virtual Assistant to begin your working relationship.
Which CRM Platform Do Your Virtual Assistants Know?
Our Virtual Assistants have specific training in REI Simple, the CRM platform that is used in Joe McCall’s Simple Lease Option system.
Can I train your Virtual Assistant to do tasks that weren’t in the training?
Our training academy is 70+ hours of real estate investing knowledge and training that’s required of all of our graduates. This is so that they have a basic knowledge of the business and can understand their role as your assistant. While they’re prepared to do many tasks, you’re welcome to train them so that they’ll fit well into your business model and be a valuable member of your team.
Do the Virtual Assistants Make Phone Calls?
Yes, virtual assistants can make phone calls. You will need to provide them with training/phone scripts for this. However, it is not recommended for anyone starting out with the Simple Lease Options Training Program to hire a cold caller. You should be talking to sellers yourself and negotiating deals.
Do your virtual assistants negotiate deals?
No. If they did, they’d be considered Acquisition Managers and would be a lot more expensive.

Mandy Finnestad

Ehmard is fantastic. He has been great working with and helping to setup processes and making sure everything is going well. He is a very hard worker!

We would like to continue with what we are doing, I have a LOT of leads so that part is a bit slow with getting them all ready to be imported (I am also doing this) and Ehmard has been a great help. We will just continue with having Ehmard scrubbing and importing leads and sending initial communications (text, email, mail) and organizing the CRM. Communication with him has also been great!

Rafi Mizrahi

My name is Rafi Mizrahi, I live in Israel and I am wholesaling houses in Cleveland Ohio. And Yes I am doing it from Israel ☺

I was looking for A virtual assistant to help me with all the tasks that I hate doing and I saw as a waste of my time. Tasks that mostly do not generate immediate cash but helps to be organize in the office. Tasks that I did every day and each time I used to say to myself that I wish I had virtual assistant to do it like posting ads on Craigslist.

Steve Londeau

Wow. I was SO sick and tired of looking for a good VA. I'd place ads, respond to dozens of inquiries, find one I liked and hire them.... and then be completely disappointed and have to start all over. I did not have time or energy to train my VA properly.. I was too busy trying to get deals done. I hired a Property MOB VA that was trained very well. They were better at many tasks then I was. I'm SO happy I did hired them for this. I now have two mob trained VAs in my team. I've referred and recommended them to many people. I highly highly suggest if you're thinking about it to STOP and just do it. Hire a property mob trained VA for your business. It's one of he best decisions I ever made for my business.

Phil Robertson

My VA is a Rockstar...

My VA has taken on so many administrative tasks that now I have more time to work on lots of other projects. He is incredibly organized, professional with our clients on the phone and in email, eager to learn new things, and always in a good mood and he keeps me in check. Plus, he loves to work! He has been hugely important for running and growing our business.

Thanks again for connecting me with a great VA!

Thanks again!
Just had a 3 way phone call with my new MOB Associate (VA) which we set up two calls with people I knew, the first one was nice and the second one was a seller from HELL !!!! she loved it and did a great job.
I have a MOB Virtual Assistant, and she is awesome. Eager, ready to work, knows what she's doing, follows instructions, she’s great!
The Virtual Assistants are awesome!
My VA, Benjie is awesome. Pro-active, eager to learn, knowledgeable. I have tried to train a few VAs in the past myself with very mixed results. This is an invaluable aspect of having someone with the necessary qualifications to perform from the start. Thank you for the awesome setup and training that you provide for this to all happen. Rock on MOB!
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