
Seller Lead Funnels

Property MOB
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How do you handle your seller lead funnels?

Creating and managing seller lead funnels is one of the areas that you should always be fine tuning. Once a seller enters the sales funnel, there's so many roads that they can be taken down. If you develop a systematic process for every single seller that enters your system, then handling your leads will get easier and easier for you every single day, and no one will fall through the cracks.

The seller lead funnel is quite complicated and can grow to be pretty massive. It may seem quite simple at first, but once you start dissecting all of the different scenarios, that's when you have to start tightening the bolts.

When a seller first enters your sales funnel, it's when they are responding to an ad, a direct mail effort, or some type of direct response targeting that was produced by you. They don't know you yet. They may even be a bit skeptical about you. It's not uncommon. The first contact with your sellers MUST be professional and timely  

This means that you should have a 24 hour professional answering service handling your phone calls. I've used PatLive since 2006. They receive 100% of the calls that respond to my marketing efforts, and Pat [everyone is referred to as Pat there] is responsible for pre-screening the callers and collecting as much of the information that they can get on the first call.

That information is entered directly into you CRM system, which kicks off the seller lead funnel. Here's what a new seller lead looks like when it hits the CRM.

seller lead funnels

What Happens to A Seller Once They Call In?

Once the lead has made it into the system, that's when the processing begins. Where does this seller lead go next? What is the next plan of action for this caller? What is your turn around time for responding to calls from sellers? Do they just sit in your CRM stagnant waiting on a call back? If you don't create a system for incoming leads, then your sellers will get old REAL FAST and another investor who has a better funnel will scoop them up and take the deal from you.

seller lead funnels
Seller Lead Blueprint Funnel

The image above is the seller lead funnel blueprint. Each of the white boxes indicated a "status" of the lead, while the green boxes indicate a "transition" that takes the seller to the next step. With each of the transitions, a set of actions take place. It could be just to add a note, or it could be an entire sequence of events emails, and workflows.

You can use the blueprint funnel to process all of your incoming leads. Adopt this blueprint, and your leads are handled in a much more timely, deliberate way.

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