
How To Keep Constant Flow of Motivated Seller Leads

Property MOB
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Motivated sellers - It's every real estate investor's dream to keep a constant flow of motivated seller leads.  The challenge is knowing how to do that. It's a one word answer: CONSISTENCY!

Here's what happens (and it happens to everyone at one point).  You get all ramped up for a new campaign that will generate some high quality motivated seller leads.  Everything is prepared and mailed out, and just as you anticipated, the leads start to flow in.  WOW!! This is a wonderful feeling, right?


After a few days, you discover that you've got more than 10 motivated seller leads that are potential deals, and now you're super excited!  You're making calls, going on appointments to see houses, doing all of your market research, and negotiating with sellers.  This is everything you've ever wanted...and more!!

The next thing you know, 3 weeks has passed since your campaign went out, and you're finally signing some deals with a seller.  Your campaign has really paid off!  In fact, as soon as you have a few minutes to spare, you may send out the other half of that list (you were only testing the first half).

Now you have a smoking hot deal under contract, with a 30 day expiration date.  Man its time to hustle and get this thing SOLD so you can realize the check.  You're pretty sure that you can sell this one and make a quick $10,000.00

When You Get a House Under Contract, You Get Busy with Buyers, Right?

You begin your marketing campaign to your buyers list, and to strum up some new buyer leads.  After only 10 days, the house is sold!  You'll be closing in 10 days with ALL CASH!


10 Days later, you pick up your check for $10k and celebrate with a nice Outback steak dinner and a giant bottle of wine.

Monday morning rolls around, and everything is quiet. The phone isn't ringing.  There's no messages from the title company. No buyers are calling, no motivated sellers. It's dead in the land of real estate wholesaling.  You can't figure out why. I mean, you did everything right. Now you have to start all over from scratch, deciding on another marketing campaign and making preparations for the next wave.  It's going to be another 30 -45 days before you get to the closing table again.  UGH!!

Here's What Happened....

You got caught up in the excitement of that motivated seller lead, that you turned off your lead generating machine.  While you were hustling to get to the closing table, everything fizzled out.

When you send out direct mail, the majority of the sellers who are going to respond do so right away.  Which is why you got the onslaught of calls when you first sent the mailer.  After about a week, you were so busy working on the sellers that DID call, that you didn't even realize that the flow of motivated seller leads had stopped.

This is a very common problem.

Motivated Seller - How to Keep the Leads Coming

The worst position to find yourself in is without any motivated seller leads. They keep your business and your bank account alive. If you don't want to find yourself hearing crickets after a closing, then there's one very simple rule that you need to follow. CONSISTENCY! Implement a plan TODAY that will guarantee the flow of motivated seller leads NEVER STOPS for you.

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