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Determining your seller’s motivation is one of the biggest challenges in the pre-screening as a real estate wholesaler, and also THE most important factor in the equation. Study this list of 37 motivated seller trigger keywords and listen carefully for your seller to say any one (or a variation) of them. This will be an indicator that they may have some motivation. PURSUE these leads!!
When you first start talking to sellers, they all have similar stories. It's hard to identify the "right" type of seller when your ears aren't trained for that yet. After talking to a few hundred sellers (yes I said hundred) then you'll be able to tell within the first 2 minutes of the conversation if they're going to be someone that you can work with or not.
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You can get ahead of the real estate wholesaling game by learning to listen out for the words that motivated sellers to say. During your pre-screening sessions, really tune in to what they're saying. You can Wweed out the minutia and listen specifically for magical keyword phrases that can indicate motivation. They don't just come right out and say "I'm a motivated seller, come buy my houses for 30 cents on the dollar". You need to be able to ask the right questions and really tain your ears for these things.
Start by studying this list of motivated seller keywords and keywords phrases. This is the best list you'll find anywhere as a checklist for motivation in a seller. If you can think of any that needs to be added to this list, just leave a comment and we'll add it.
It may take you hundreds of conversations with sellers before you can instantly identiy the sound of motivation in one's voice. It takes practice and more practice. In the early stages of becoming a real estate wholesaler, it may seem like everyone you talk to is motivated. They're not. In fact, only 3-5% of sellers fall into this category. Now you know what keywords to listen for... but what's your next step? Keep those motivated seller leads coming in consistently!
After you have the motivated lead, do you have the tools to get the contract signed, build a buyers list, and close the deal out?
Great information to save....
nice list.
Glad you liked it!
I stumbled across your site and the information you provided concerning motivated seller keywords was very useful and I'll be implementing a couple into our SEO strategy for our website. When you get a free moment check out our site
Chris Ivy
Ivy Vine Investments
Be well,
James Martinez
even tho we might know all 37 key words its nice to have them in one place to remind us of the ones we forgot